Penicillus pyriformis

This species is similar capitatus, but has a longer stem with a tapered and flattened top. It's coloration is dark green. Mature plants can reach heights of approximately 10" or more. It's found growing as single solitary specimens among seagrass beds and sandy bottom habitats. It's root-like structure is a large bulb with a series of rhizoids that anchor it to substrate and sometimes rocks. It typically occurs in shallow calm protected water, but can be found as deep as 100 ft. In the aquarium, the plant will eventually produce a new shoot at it's base as the old rhizome dies off. Like most calcareous stem plants, it requires a sand bed of at least 4" or more. Calcium supplementation is needed. Not palatable to fish or invertebrates

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Penicillus pyriformis

Common Name: Flat Cap

Origin: Atlantic, Caribbean

Depth Collected: 3-100 Feet

Maximum Height : 6"

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light: Moderate to High

Temperature: 76-86

Propagation: Fragmentation, Sporulation

Difficulty: Easy

Food Value: Not Palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Fair

Flow Rate: Moderate

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