Neomeris annulata

A lightly calcified species of of green macro algae that is found as small clusters or as large tightly weaved mats. It features dark green, finger-like uprights, that are spongy and fuzzy at the top. It grows in fairly shallow water attached to hard bottom, mangrove roots and shell fragments in protected waters. This species can de difficult to harvest unless it's attached to a shell as it is delicate and tears easily when handled. Somewhat palatable, but usually left alone. Calcium supplementation is recommended.

Photo By John Lowther  

Neomeris Annualta

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Neomeris annulata

Common Name:  Finger Algae

Origin: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Caribbean

Depth Collected: 1 - 30 Feet

Maximum Height : 4"

Growth Rate: Slow

Light: Moderate

Temperature: 78-86

Propagation: Fragmentation, sporulation

Difficulty: Moderate

Food Value: Somewhat palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Fair

Flow Rate: Low

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