Caulerpa mexicana

Caulerpa mexicana has a deep green color with beautiful segmented fronds. It grows rather compact in turbulent environments, but can extend into larger leaflets up to 6" tall in calmer conditions. It attaches with individual rhizomes to rocks, rubble, sand or mud bottoms in shallow protected areas. This species is very adaptable in the amount of light it requires to grow and is often observed growing under ledges on seawalls and intertwined with other algae. They're a few species that look similar to Caulerpa mexicana but lack the tight segmented fronds with a slightly rounded tip that is characteristic of this macro algae. All Caulerpa species can be safely buried in the sand bed if desired.

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Caulerpa mexicana

Common Name: Fern Algae

Origin: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic

Maximum Height : 8"

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light: Moderate

Temperature: 78-84

Propagation: Fragmentation, sporulation

Difficulty: Easy

Food Value: Somewhat palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Good

Flow Rate: Low to Moderate

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