Syringodium filiforme

Manatee grass is the second most abundant sea grass in most of the Caribbean, as well as in Florida. It features long, cylindrical leaves reaching heights of up to 20 inches in deeper water meadows. It's most often found growing slightly deeper than turtle grass to depths to about 60 ft. Manatee grass can withstand salinities as low as 20 ppt. to approximately 40 ppt. In the aquarium it requires a moderate depth of sediment (6-8" minimum) for its deep rhizome network. The root system spreads by lateral growth of the rhizomes at their ends and is the most common form of reproduction (flowering is rare). Sand beds that are rich in organic material are best, but plants can be fertilized by inorganic means such as dry and liquid plant food. The roots are easily damaged, so care must be taken when planting this particular species in the aquarium. A tall tank is usually needed as individual plants can grow quite large. Obtaining specimens is difficult as sea grass is protected in Florida. Free floating specimens found on the shoreline can be planted however if the roots are intact. Not palatable to fish.

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Syringodium filiforme

Common Name: Manatee Grass

Origin: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Caribbean

Depth Collected: 5-60 Feet

Maximum Height : 20"

Growth Rate: Slow

Light: High

Temperature: 78-86

Propagation: Rhizomes, Seeds

Difficulty: Advanced

Food Value: Not Palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Good once established

Flow Rate: Moderate to High

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