Halimeda discoidea

A heavily calcified algae that is abundant in both shallow and deep water habitats to depths of 100 feet or more. It features large, calcified segments with irregular formations. It has the largest individual segments of all Halimeda species. H. discoidea has a single holdfast that is attached to rocks, shells and hard bottom. Unlike other species of Halimeda, it grows exclusively on hard surfaces and not in the substrate. This particular species is often a hitchhiker on live rock. Like all species of calcareous algae it needs regular calcium supplementation for growth in the aquarium. It does not grow as quickly in the aquarium as other varieties, but is very hardy and attractive. Somewhat palatable to some fish.

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Halimeda discoidea

Common Name: Money Plant

Origin: Atlantic, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico

Depth Collected: 3-100 Feet

Maximum Height : 10"

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light: Moderate to High

Temperature: 76-86

Propagation: Fragmentation, Sporulation

Difficulty: Easy

Food Value: Palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Fair

Flow Rate: Moderate

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