AEROBIC - requiring oxygen
ALGA -  a plant that is photosynthetic and reproduces by releasing spores.
ALKALINITY - the buffering ability of seawater
ANAEROBIC -  needing no oxygen to survive
AQUACULTURE -  the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms
ARAGONITE -  a mineral made of mostly calcium carbonate
AQUASCAPING -  the artful arranging of plants, substrate and rocks in an aquarium
BARRIER REEF -  a reef that is separated from land in a shallow area
BIOMASS - total amount of material in a single organism
BLADE -  the leaf like structure on macro algae.
BLADDER -  the float on species such as Sargassum and Botryocladia that allow algae to stand upright.
BRANCH LETS -  small projections from the main branch
CALCIFIED -  having calcium carbonate deposits within or on the plant
CLASS -  a group of related organisms
COLONY -  an organism made up of connected individuals
CORALLINE ALGAE -  a calcareous algae that encrusts
CYSTOCARP -  a reproductive formation on female Rhodophyta
DENITRIFICATION -  the process of converting nitrate to nitrogen gas
DETRITUS -  the build up of sediment and organic material 
DIATOMS -  a micro algae, rich in silica, that grows as a film
DOSING -  adding chemicals or elements in small quantities
ECOSYSTEM -  the combined physical and biological components of an environment
ENVIRONMENT -  the combined physical, chemical and biological surroundings
EPIPHYTE -  an organism that lives on plant material but does not prey on it
FAMILY -  a group of related organisms
FILAMENTS -  a slender row of plant cells
FROND - the blade or leaf of macro algae
GENUS -  a group of multiple related organisms
HABITAT -  the environment where an organism grows
HOLDFAST -  a root like structure that algae posses to attach themselves
KELVIN -  a measurement of the color temperature of light
LAGOON -  a protected area behind the reef
LIVE ROCK -  harvested or cultured rock from the ocean that contains organisms and bacteria 
MACRO ALGAE -  large multi-celled algae
MICRO ALGAE  - small single celled algae
NUTRIENT -  a chemical or element required for growth
OOLITIC -  a very fine form of aragonite sand
PHOTOSYNTHESIS -  the ability to convert sunlight into food
PROLIFERATE -  the formation of new frond on an older part of the plant
REFUGIUM -  a separate appendage to an aquarium that provides sanctuary for organisms
RHIZOID -  the root like structure of macro algae
RHIZOME -  the horizontal runner or stem of macro algae
SPECTRUM -  the colors in visible light when separated using a prism
SPORE -  a reproductive structure that forms new organisms.
SPORULATION -  the release of reproductive spores into the water to form new organisms
STOLON -  the stem connecting individual fronds
UPRIGHT -  the vertical structural branch of macro algae 
Copyright © 2010 GCE All rights reserved. No part of this online publication may be reproduced in any form by any means without the expressed permission of the author. All images are the property of Gulf Coast Ecosystems unless otherwise noted and should not be reproduced or distributed without permission.

Table of Contents

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